Mended Hearts Board Members Responsibilities
The Chapter President conducts the business of the chapter, presides over all Chapter meetings, sits on all committees and election of officers. The President maintains relationships with national, regional and local Mended Hearts programs. Click here for more information.
The Chapter Vice President has the authority to perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence, performs duties as assigned by the President and assists in Chapter activities.
The Chapter Secretary records the minutes and actions of the chapter, sends out calls for meetings and handles correspondence.
The Social Secretary is responsible for sending correspondence and recording social events.
The Chapter Treasurer monitors bank account and reports monthly on funds, receipt of dues and other funds, bank deposits and pays bills as authorized by the President. Completes annual report to National.
The Visiting Chair is the spirit of the team, a patient visitor who certifies and re-certifies all patient visitors and monitors performance to be in compliance with hospital rules.
The Communications Chair maintains the data base of our members, newsletter and email recipients and call list for at home patient visits. Oversees student volunteers who assist in the office.
The Public Relations Chair plans and directs programs designed to create and maintain a favorable public image for community presentations, education and increase public awareness.
Our Board Members
Constance Evans, President
Hugo Cambron, Vice President
Marilyn Schirmer, Sec/Treasurer
Yolie Zaragoza, Visiting Chair
Michael Candelaria, Public Relations
Vivian Rice, Social Secretary
Eddie Rodriguez, Communications Chair
Hospital Liaisons